Outdoor Advertising Screens Versus Traditional Billboards


Prior to the digital age, consumers were witness to outdoor advertising innovations that were limited to paper, paint, mechanical devices and vinyl. Today, the use of Digital LED Screens has opened doors to insurmountable levels of creativity that helps brands reach out to their target audience in highly effective ways.
LED Advertising Screens offer to brands features that are one cannot simply fathom in the case of traditional billboards. This includes capabilities such as display of multiple ads, freedom to create more ads and newer brand placement opportunities.

Quality of Advertising Message:

One clear advantage of LED screens is that brands are able to employ some very high quality ads. These ads also tend to be a lot more authentic looking since they are able to incorporate videos and a range of other multimedia capabilities. In fact, it is possible for brands to use these screens to display full length commercial advertisements. This allows businesses to effectively spread their message provided they are able to place the LED screen at a strategic location.

Why Billboard Companies Love Them:

More and more billboard companies today are calling themselves “out of home” advertisers. This is an evident sign that the scope of outdoor advertising in on the rise. With the advent of LED screens, these companies are able to leverage their placements to offer multiple brands a chance to advertise on the same platform. Traditionally, one had to remove the original ad so that a new one is displayed.

With a scrolling ability, your brand is able to alternatively get attention from your target audience once every few seconds or minutes. Some of the most iconic advertisements on busy streets around the world have been able to leverage LED technology for effective advertising. With unlimited business opportunities, there is no denying that this medium of marketing communications is here to stay.

Essential Tips for Effective Outdoor Advertising


With more and more brands understanding the benefits of using mobile outdoor TV sets at public places and even at events, it is important that you as a business up your game to get noticed in the clutter.
If you plan on advertising on an HDA trailer at an upcoming sporting event or during sale season at the mall, here are a few things you want to keep in mind.

  • Use Six Words or Less: Considering that most people are on the move when they pass by LED screens, they don’t always have the time to look at them. It is said that each member of the target audience has an average of 6 seconds to read an outdoor advertisement. Around six word s are all you have to get your message through. The rule here is less is more.
  • Don’t Be Distracting: If you are using an outdoor screen trailer on a highway or a busy street, you are targeting pedestrians and drivers. Here, you want to get noticed but you don’t want to be responsible for a major or even minor mishap on the road. Hence, while being distracting may be your objective in various other mediums, you need to tone down your outdoor screen advertising a notch.
  • Do not Expect a Direct Response: Outdoor advertisements seldom harness direct response. They are usually used to reinforce brand recall or awareness. In such cases it is redundant to include contact details, web addresses and other such information when you are sure that almost no viewer is going to act upon it.

Finally, if you have the freedom to use a digital space in the outdoor leverage its features to show what your brand is about. Make use of creative animations, videos and other multimedia tools to convey a memorable message for your brand. This is your opportunity to do something eye catching. So use it well!