Why Are LED Billboards Preferred Over Traditional Billboards?

Billboard advertising has always been popular as it can grab more traffic. However, with the advancement in technology and digitalisation, outdoor LED TV billboards are becoming more popular than traditional billboards. These digital billboards are rapidly being preferred over other mediums along with the traditional method of creating billboards.

Digital billboards are basically advertisements displayed on computer screens, with features that traditional billboards can’t match. Use of these outdoor TV medium gives you the opportunity to display multiple eye-catching ads with the ability to place them on buildings.

These digital billboards offer a number of advantages because of which they are preferred over the traditional ones by the advertisers. Let’s go through some of them.


Reasons for their preference


  • Use of this modern technology produces more authentic looking, high quality ads with video. Some LED billboards also can produce a full length commercial for the audiences which help them know better about the product or service and gain better brand awareness. The advertisers are able to give a clear message through this and draw more traffic.
  • Companies can display a multiple ads in one location without the need of removing the one for placing another. These computerised boards can display up to 30 ads with the scrolling ability at the same spot.
  • Builds up a last minute shopping momentum with product description to the people just before they enter the store. People get an idea by the displayed ads by the commercials shown and this serves as an excellent marketing tool.
  • Takes up mush less space than a traditional billboard and can have a faster and greater impact on the target group.


The above reasons have made it very clear why companies today prefer LED digital billboards over traditional ones. This digital method of advertisement not only gives more interchanging possibility, but also offers more scope for detailed advertising. This is undoubtedly a cut edge option for businesses to gain popularity and visibility. You can also use outdoor TV enclosures for better long term result as it will protect your valuable marketing tool.

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